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I love reading and as of now that is fiction only. Love all genres except horror and for the past few years, been gorging on romance. Thrillers are my first love and add some romance to it then all the more better.

Ooh, La La!

Ooh, La La! - Robin  Wells I generally like reading contemporary romances but truth be told, there aren't many authors that I read obsessively. Robin Wells while not being an auto read has yet to disappoint me and this book is no exception. Was it perfect, no, but it had its good and bad moments. The heroine is a history professor who is competing for tenure while dealing with her about to be teenage daughter who wants to know about her "missing" father and her overprotective mom when she is drafted to be a technical adviser on a movie.

The hero Zach is a Hollywood product, former child actor turned director. His last two movies haven't done well and the movie he just pitched is his last chance to make sure his career survives. So, he thinks the heroine will be just a figurehead but she isn't, she tells him his script is factually wrong, locations etc and his blood boils because he is already under a lot of pressure and the heroine comes across as an uptight schoolmarm at first.

Of course the hero decides to change her mind by using the information he discovers from her mom and daughter, that he was her school girl crush but the hero is the one on whom the table turn. He discovers the heroine is damn sexy and they have crazy chemistry. She of course figures him out and freezes him.

The hero is a commitment-phobe having been always set aside by his parents and used all his life while the heroine despite having been burned believes in love. There is a subplot with the heroine's mother and her need to be overprotective and vigilant and the heroine's lies about her daughter's father which I knew would come back to bite her.

Was the book predictable, yes but it was enjoyable as well.