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I love reading and as of now that is fiction only. Love all genres except horror and for the past few years, been gorging on romance. Thrillers are my first love and add some romance to it then all the more better.

Facing The Fire

Facing the Fire - Gail Barrett Facing the Fire was about a divorced couple finding their way to each other while running from a fire and along the way finding out that many of their actions and perceptions were wrong. There was a lot of anger, pain and bitterness along the way.

Jordan has returned ten years later to sell the cabin where she had one of the most happiest times. She left her husband and marriage when she couldn't take it anymore, her husband Cade was a smoke-jumper and she though that his thrill-seeking mattered more to him than her, so when she found herself alone losing her baby, in grief and depression, she fled and filed for divorce.

Cade loves what he does and when he sees Jordan at the cabin, all his bitterness comes back. Her leaving destroyed him and he never knew why. He thought she loved him but thinks she made a fool out of him and didn't wait for him.

Through running away from fires to rescue, with injured Jordan, Cade and a dog they both see a different side to their marriage. Jordan never talked much about her military upbringing but then Cade finds out that it affected her deeply, she wanted someone who would stay with her. Cade on his part never felt he belonged and smoke-jumping gave him that. The problem in their marriage was communication and Jordan, who was too young, immature and insecure and Cade didn't see that. I liked how Jordan saw and acknowledged her faults, she expected way too much and was a coward who never gave Cade the chance, hurting him deeply.