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I love reading and as of now that is fiction only. Love all genres except horror and for the past few years, been gorging on romance. Thrillers are my first love and add some romance to it then all the more better.

In His Good Hands

In His Good Hands - Joan Kilby In His Good Hands is the book about the second sibling Renita and her high-school crush ex-football player Brett.

Renita was always a bit on the plump side and still is and after her father's health scare has been thinking of doing something about that weight. She used to tutor Brett in maths but he hurt her when he turned down going to the prom with her. So, when Brett comes to her bank for a loan Renita is professional but does not want to walk down memory lane.

Brett has moved to town with his daughter, his money is tied up in his divorce and he wants a loan to start and spruce his gym. He gets the loan but not the full amount. Brett always wanted to feel smart. He weedels Renita and her father into joining the gym.

I didn't enjoy the book that much for one I didn't get why Renita was still so hung up over Brett, he was shallow and put too much appearance. Yes, Brett does realize later that material possessions don't matter, that they only show him how far he has come from the difficult times in his childhood. I didn't like how impractical he was about the gym equipment, ordering it before he had the money in hand. Also, he didn't spend enough time with his daughter. Renita she too was dumb, after only one night with him she offers to mortgage her house to give him the money. I was like hello and then when she decides to get a boob job. Then what happens after that didn't really resonate with me. Not the book for me I guess, though it did have potential.

I will still read the elder sister's story though.